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Solder, Damaged part & component, Lifted lead, Height, Distance between chips,
Shift Tilt, High/Low volume, Rotation, Bridge, Tombstone, Reverse, OCV, Missing, Wrong chip, Pattern

Shift, Lifted Lead, Upside down, Missing, OCV, Fillet
  • Provides high speed and accurate inspection
  • Realize renovative work efficiency
  • Provides the latest tools for product quality control
  • Easy to manage SMT line (Integrated management system)
  • Customized economical SMT line management

Advanced High Speed Inspection and Measurement Technology

Shadowless Phase Measuring Profilometry

EAGLES 4MP 8 Projector 3D AOI inspects 100% of the PCB in 2D
and 3D. Combining the 2 technologies gives a complete optical
inspection of a PCB shadow free and low false calls maintaining a
high flexibility in system functionality.

  • 8 Projection + Three stage lighting
  • 2D and 3D simultaneous inspection algorithms
  • Telecentric Lens offers higher accuracy and detection
  • High Speed CPU and Image Processing
  • User Friendly Graphical Interface
  • Built in Library Management System
  • Offline Real Time Debug Station (Optional)
High Speed Inspection Technology

EAGLES High Speed Option inspects in 40.5cm sq. per sec. by utilizing
an advanced network of more robust CPU, controller boards and our
proprietary developed 9MP 15um 150fps camera with telecentric lens.

High Component Inspection Technology

EAGLES optional new 10-Way Projection Technology offers an
industry first 30mm component height inspection in 100% 3D.

Shadow Free 3D Technology

Eliminates shadow issues on highly populated PCBs and tall

Optical Character Recognition

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is aoi055.jpg

Recognizes component part characteers by using color and
pattern algorithms. Ability to add & modify OCR font to optimize
inspection condition.

3D Solder & Height Measurement

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is aoi07.jpg

Using our advanced 3D technology, the EAGLE is able to take
inspection to levels that are limited by conventional 2D systems.
Adding solder height, volume and part co-planarity inspection
provides enhanced defect detection capabilities.

3D Lead Inspection

3D measurement algorithms enable the EAGLE to measure
lead height and volume of solder proving full-high quality
3D images.

Tilt & Rotate Measurement

Advanced algorithms can extract, detect and differentiate
diverse component body patterns automatically.

An accurate and convenient Inspection by using Side Camera

  • 4-Way Side Camera (Option)
  • Possible to detect inside bridge which it cannot detect with Top camera
  • Possible to detect Connector inside area
  • Convenient Teaching by using existing Algorithm.

Ease of programming (Auto Teach Function)

Advanced 3D imaging technology allows
us to measure and recognize the geometric
shapes of PCB components and automatically
link them to our built in parts library.